
Static Repository for results and tests sharing of Janus declarative specifications measurement component.

View the Project on GitHub Oneiroe/DeclarativeMeasurements-static

Janus Declarative Measurements

Static Repository for results and tests sharing of Janus declarative specifications measurement component. Go to the static page to just download the files

Find the active development in the main Janus repository.

Janus How-to

Janus is a tool-set for the evaluation of declarative process mining specifications (LICENSE here).

It is based on Linear Temporal Logic over finite traces with past operators (LTLp~f~) and specifically on the concept of reactive constraints: formulae with an explicit distinction between the activator and consequent factors of the formula itself.

For details on the usage of the software consult the wiki page

Experiments Index

In the following are listed the files, executables and results for the experiments provided in the journal paper.

In details: